Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Living Close to the Surface

What happens when you start paying attention? What happens when everything you do, everything that happens to you, has meaning and significance - even if you don't know it yet? What happens when you open yourself to the possibilities, when you make yourself vulnerable?

Laughter comes more readily, and tears as well. Emotions are close to the surface, flowing freely. Honesty is easy. You let go of things you cannot change, and learn to live happily within yourself. You start allowing yourself to experience new sensations, to open your eyes and ears and hands and heart just a little wider every day. Magic happens.

I want to live closer to the surface. I want to travel so deeply into this universe that I cannot help but be purely and completely me. I want to live my life with intention and attention. I know that part of this will come through writing. The moments captured here are my attempts to bring myself closer to the surface. Written in the moments of experience whenever possible (though posted here later), they may be raw or incomplete, but they are genuine. After all, what is a lifetime but a collection of moments?

1 comment:

A said...

I don't really know where to start to begin. I clicked though to your blog from your brothers which was on the front of blogger today. I have been looking for a title for my new blog, a blog about writing, about self discovery and overcoming whatever is holding me down. Well I just started my new blog and named it "Moving Closer to the Surface"! Is it alright if I use some of your words- the ones that spoke so clear to me? I am normally an "ask forgiveness" kind of person verse an "ask permission" person so I will be quoting you! Hope that is ok!