Friday, February 8, 2008


On the #15 bus, 7:18 a.m.

What stereotypes do we build about people on the bus? I have only seen this man from behind, but already he has surprised me several times. He is wearing blue jeans and a camouflage army jacket with the hood up. By the way he holds himself, I guess him to be about 65, comfortable with his place in the world. I imagine thinning grey hair and a narrow face - not the stereotypical vet, but someone who's been around. There's a history behind the camouflage, a reason.

When a seat frees up in front, the man moves forward to sit down. He pushes back his hood. Surprise #1: he has a shock of thick, wavy, plentiful hair - it used to be black, but now is mostly grey. The kind of hair a younger man might self-consciously run his hand through a few times after pushing back the hood, to make sure it was in place.

Surprises 2 and 3 come in quick succession: as the man turns his head slightly, I notice that he has glasses. Then he pulls a cigarette from behind his right ear.

I can't tell why these things surprise me, or what I had expected, but as the man gets off the bus, I wish I had looked closer.


cristie said...

I love this new blog. It inspires me in a way that I hope will actually manifest into reality. Perhaps this summer when I'm not taking any classes, I will follow in your footsteps. In the meantime, I love reading about your moments. :)

Trish in Mountain View said...

There is something almost holy about watching that moment of birth - in any creature. You really captured that for us.